Tool |
Cascade 0.1 |
CBMC 4.9 |
CPAchecker 1.3.10-svcomp15 |
ESBMC 1.24 |
Forester |
PredatorHP |
Seahorn |
Ultimate Automizer r12950 |
Ultimate Kojak r12950 |
Limits |
timelimit: 900 s, memlimit: 15000 MB, CPU core limit: 8 |
Host |
cayman[1-8] |
OS |
Linux 3.13.0 |
System |
CPU: Intel Core i7-4770 @ 3.40 GHz with 8 cores, frequency: 3.4 GHz; RAM: 33 GB |
Date of execution |
14-12-18 12:10 [[ 14-12-19 11:22 ]] |
14-11-19 20:34 [[ 14-12-21 23:35 ]] |
14-11-15 15:53 [[ 14-12-21 23:23 ]] |
14-12-13 18:39 [[ 14-12-19 11:24 ]] |
14-12-11 13:52 |
14-11-19 17:13 [[ 14-12-22 07:42 ]] |
14-12-20 18:50 [[ 14-12-21 21:13 ]] |
14-11-26 16:05 [[ 14-12-22 07:46 ]] |
14-11-12 22:41 [[ 14-12-21 23:12 ]] |
14-11-16 20:08 [[ 14-12-21 23:18 ]] |
Options |
-trace [[ -witness-check -noout -timelimit 90 -spec ../../results-2015/cascade.14-12-18_1210.logfiles/sv-comp15.${sourcefile_name}.files/SV-Competition/comp/bin-2015/Cascade-4113-patch/out/${sourcefile_name}/witness.graphml -setprop spec.singlePathMatching=false -setprop parser.transformTokensToLines=false ]] |
--32 [[ -witness-check -noout -timelimit 90 -spec ../../results-2015/cbmc.14-11-19_2034.logfiles/sv-comp15.${sourcefile_name}.files/SV-Competition/comp/bin-2015/cbmc-sv-comp-2015/witness.graphml -setprop spec.singlePathMatching=false -setprop parser.transformTokensToLines=false ]] |
-sv-comp15 -disable-java-assertions -heap 10000m [[ -witness-check -noout -timelimit 90 -spec ../../results-2015/cpachecker.14-11-15_1553.logfiles/sv-comp15.${sourcefile_name}.files/SV-Competition/comp/bin-2015/CPAchecker-1.3.10-svcomp15-unix/output/witness.graphml -setprop spec.singlePathMatching=false -setprop parser.transformTokensToLines=true ]] |
[[ -witness-check -noout -timelimit 90 -spec ../../results-2015/esbmc.14-12-13_1839.logfiles/sv-comp15.${sourcefile_name}.files/SV-Competition/comp/bin-2015/esbmc-v1.24.1/witness.graphml -setprop spec.singlePathMatching=false -setprop parser.transformTokensToLines=false ]] |
--trace witness.graphml |
--witness ./witness.graphml [[ -witness-check -noout -timelimit 90 -spec ../../results-2015/predatorhp.14-11-19_1713.logfiles/sv-comp15.${sourcefile_name}.files/SV-Competition/comp/bin-2015/predator-hp-script/witness.graphml -setprop spec.singlePathMatching=false -setprop parser.transformTokensToLines=false ]] |
--cex=witness.graphml [[ -witness-check -noout -timelimit 90 -spec ../../results-2015/seahorn.14-12-20_1850.logfiles/sv-comp15.${sourcefile_name}.files/SV-Competition/comp/bin-2015/seahorn-svcomp15/witness.graphml -setprop spec.singlePathMatching=false -setprop parser.transformTokensToLines=false ]] |
--errorwitness witness.graphml [[ -witness-check -noout -timelimit 90 -spec ../../results-2015/smack.14-11-26_1605.logfiles/sv-comp15.${sourcefile_name}.files/SV-Competition/comp/bin-2015/smack-corral/witness.graphml -setprop spec.singlePathMatching=false -setprop parser.transformTokensToLines=true -tokenize -deletePragmas ]] |
32bit precise [[ -witness-check -noout -timelimit 90 -spec ../../results-2015/ultimateautomizer.14-11-12_2241.logfiles/sv-comp15.${sourcefile_name}.files/SV-Competition/comp/bin-2015/UltimateAutomizer/witness.graphml -setprop spec.singlePathMatching=false -setprop parser.transformTokensToLines=false ]] |
32bit precise [[ -witness-check -noout -timelimit 90 -spec ../../results-2015/ultimatekojak.14-11-16_2008.logfiles/sv-comp15.${sourcefile_name}.files/SV-Competition/comp/bin-2015/UltimateKojak/witness.graphml -setprop spec.singlePathMatching=false -setprop parser.transformTokensToLines=false ]] |
../../sv-benchmarks/c/ |
status |
time(s) |
memory(MB) |
time(s) for witness |
status |
time(s) |
memory(MB) |
time(s) for witness |
status |
time(s) |
memory(MB) |
time(s) for witness |
status |
time(s) |
memory(MB) |
time(s) for witness |
status |
time(s) |
memory(MB) |
time(s) for witness |
status |
time(s) |
memory(MB) |
time(s) for witness |
status |
time(s) |
memory(MB) |
time(s) for witness |
status |
time(s) |
memory(MB) |
time(s) for witness |
status |
time(s) |
memory(MB) |
time(s) for witness |
status |
time(s) |
memory(MB) |
time(s) for witness |
heap-manipulation/bubble_sort_linux_false-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
1.2 |
86 |
- |
witness confirmed |
2.0 |
200 |
2.1 |
witness confirmed |
130 |
1500 |
2.6 |
out of memory |
530 |
15000 |
- |
unknown |
0.055 |
9.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.1 |
23 |
2.0 |
unknown |
0.51 |
35 |
- |
witness confirmed |
3.5 |
200 |
2.1 |
timeout |
920 |
830 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
1300 |
- |
heap-manipulation/dll_of_dll_false-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
0.82 |
71 |
- |
witness ignored (recursion) |
0.42 |
37 |
1.9 |
witness ignored (recursion) |
3.0 |
210 |
2.1 |
out of memory |
210 |
15000 |
- |
unknown |
0.088 |
9.0 |
- |
witness ignored (recursion) |
34 |
64 |
1.8 |
witness ignored (recursion) |
0.31 |
38 |
1.8 |
witness ignored (recursion) |
2.9 |
160 |
1.8 |
unknown |
14 |
430 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
1200 |
- |
heap-manipulation/merge_sort_false-unreach-call.i |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
92 |
240 |
1.7 |
unknown |
0.63 |
67 |
- |
witness confirmed |
7.2 |
580 |
2.1 |
timeout |
920 |
5300 |
- |
unknown |
0.044 |
8.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.0 |
21 |
1.8 |
witness confirmed |
0.33 |
44 |
1.8 |
witness confirmed |
17 |
890 |
1.9 |
unknown |
6.3 |
240 |
- |
unknown |
5.5 |
240 |
- |
heap-manipulation/sll_to_dll_rev_false-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
850 |
350 |
- |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
0.37 |
35 |
1.8 |
timeout |
920 |
6800 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
5100 |
- |
unknown |
0.083 |
9.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
13 |
96 |
1.8 |
witness confirmed |
0.34 |
49 |
1.8 |
witness confirmed |
8.1 |
150 |
2.2 |
timeout |
920 |
1500 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
1400 |
- |
heap-manipulation/bubble_sort_linux_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
1.2 |
87 |
- |
true |
850 |
4600 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
1500 |
- |
out of memory |
540 |
15000 |
- |
true |
0.88 |
23 |
- |
true |
1.8 |
50 |
- |
unknown |
0.43 |
37 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
260 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
780 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
1000 |
- |
heap-manipulation/dll_of_dll_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
0.80 |
73 |
- |
true |
850 |
2400 |
- |
false(reach) |
3.1 |
210 |
- |
out of memory |
210 |
15000 |
- |
unknown |
0.10 |
9.0 |
- |
true |
2.7 |
59 |
- |
false(reach) |
0.34 |
38 |
- |
false(reach) |
2.9 |
160 |
- |
unknown |
13 |
430 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
1600 |
- |
heap-manipulation/merge_sort_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
850 |
750 |
- |
true |
850 |
6100 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
1200 |
- |
out of memory |
240 |
15000 |
- |
true |
0.14 |
12 |
- |
true |
2.2 |
33 |
- |
false(reach) |
0.34 |
40 |
- |
false(reach) |
20 |
900 |
- |
unknown |
5.4 |
240 |
- |
unknown |
5.3 |
240 |
- |
heap-manipulation/sll_to_dll_rev_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
850 |
360 |
- |
true |
850 |
7200 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
1600 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
5100 |
- |
unknown |
0.090 |
9.0 |
- |
true |
3.3 |
54 |
- |
false(reach) |
0.31 |
51 |
- |
true |
340 |
260 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
1400 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
1200 |
- |
list-properties/alternating_list_false-unreach-call.i |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
9.1 |
140 |
1.7 |
witness confirmed |
0.23 |
27 |
1.8 |
witness confirmed |
5.0 |
260 |
2.1 |
witness confirmed |
2.4 |
45 |
1.8 |
unknown |
0.043 |
8.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.4 |
25 |
1.8 |
true |
0.20 |
28 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.3 |
91 |
1.9 |
witness confirmed |
6.3 |
250 |
1.8 |
witness confirmed |
6.4 |
250 |
1.8 |
list-properties/list_false-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
850 |
270 |
- |
unknown |
0.26 |
31 |
- |
witness confirmed |
3.9 |
240 |
2.0 |
timeout |
920 |
3300 |
- |
unknown |
0.056 |
8.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
14 |
21 |
1.7 |
true |
0.18 |
28 |
- |
witness confirmed |
2.5 |
91 |
2.0 |
witness confirmed |
43 |
660 |
1.8 |
witness confirmed |
14 |
410 |
1.7 |
list-properties/list_flag_false-unreach-call.i |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
5.1 |
130 |
1.7 |
witness confirmed |
0.23 |
27 |
1.8 |
witness confirmed |
5.0 |
300 |
2.1 |
witness confirmed |
3.4 |
47 |
2.0 |
unknown |
0.050 |
8.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.3 |
20 |
1.8 |
true |
0.21 |
28 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.3 |
90 |
1.9 |
witness confirmed |
7.4 |
280 |
1.8 |
witness confirmed |
6.7 |
250 |
1.7 |
list-properties/list_search_false-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
850 |
280 |
- |
witness confirmed |
0.42 |
27 |
1.8 |
witness confirmed |
5.1 |
280 |
2.2 |
witness confirmed |
1.6 |
19 |
1.8 |
unknown |
0.039 |
9.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.0 |
20 |
1.7 |
witness confirmed |
0.28 |
36 |
1.7 |
witness confirmed |
1.1 |
74 |
1.8 |
timeout |
920 |
910 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
510 |
- |
list-properties/simple_false-unreach-call.i |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
3.3 |
110 |
1.6 |
unknown |
0.22 |
27 |
- |
witness confirmed |
5.1 |
260 |
2.1 |
witness confirmed |
2.3 |
44 |
1.7 |
unknown |
0.048 |
8.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.0 |
19 |
1.7 |
true |
0.17 |
27 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.2 |
84 |
1.9 |
witness confirmed |
7.3 |
270 |
1.8 |
witness confirmed |
6.6 |
250 |
1.7 |
list-properties/splice_false-unreach-call.i |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
10 |
140 |
1.7 |
witness confirmed |
0.25 |
27 |
1.8 |
witness confirmed |
6.1 |
260 |
2.2 |
timeout |
920 |
2200 |
- |
unknown |
0.044 |
9.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.8 |
22 |
1.8 |
true |
0.21 |
30 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.6 |
78 |
2.1 |
witness confirmed |
7.4 |
270 |
1.9 |
witness confirmed |
6.7 |
270 |
1.8 |
list-properties/alternating_list_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
850 |
610 |
- |
true |
21 |
200 |
- |
false(reach) |
6.8 |
400 |
- |
true |
0.12 |
17 |
- |
unknown |
0.042 |
8.0 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
3300 |
- |
true |
0.19 |
27 |
- |
true |
2.0 |
66 |
- |
unknown |
470 |
380 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
960 |
- |
list-properties/list_flag_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
850 |
750 |
- |
true |
25 |
300 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
390 |
- |
true |
0.35 |
46 |
- |
unknown |
0.028 |
8.0 |
- |
true |
1.8 |
20 |
- |
true |
0.32 |
28 |
- |
true |
2.2 |
71 |
- |
unknown |
500 |
2500 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
880 |
- |
list-properties/list_search_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
850 |
290 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
29 |
- |
true |
6.1 |
300 |
- |
true |
0.093 |
21 |
- |
true |
0.14 |
10.0 |
- |
true |
3.2 |
21 |
- |
false(reach) |
0.26 |
39 |
- |
true |
1.6 |
67 |
- |
unknown |
73 |
280 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
1200 |
- |
list-properties/list_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
850 |
280 |
- |
true |
850 |
6800 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
1200 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
3300 |
- |
unknown |
0.042 |
8.0 |
- |
true |
1.8 |
21 |
- |
true |
0.19 |
28 |
- |
true |
6.0 |
100 |
- |
unknown |
470 |
660 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
1100 |
- |
list-properties/simple_built_from_end_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
850 |
410 |
- |
true |
12 |
110 |
- |
false(reach) |
6.2 |
380 |
- |
true |
0.31 |
51 |
- |
unknown |
0.067 |
13 |
- |
true |
1.8 |
20 |
- |
true |
0.17 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.9 |
68 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
1900 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
950 |
- |
list-properties/simple_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
850 |
400 |
- |
true |
29 |
240 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
290 |
- |
false(reach) |
2.4 |
45 |
- |
true |
0.030 |
8.0 |
- |
true |
1.9 |
20 |
- |
true |
0.16 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.9 |
64 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
1800 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
2600 |
- |
list-properties/splice_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
850 |
670 |
- |
true |
210 |
1900 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
3900 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
2200 |
- |
unknown |
0.037 |
9.0 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
2000 |
- |
true |
0.35 |
28 |
- |
false(reach) |
1.5 |
100 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
1200 |
- |
timeout |
920 |
1200 |
- |
ldv-regression/1_3.c_false-unreach-call.i |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
0.95 |
92 |
1.3 |
witness confirmed |
0.22 |
25 |
1.7 |
witness confirmed |
2.7 |
210 |
1.5 |
witness confirmed |
0.14 |
12 |
1.7 |
unknown |
0.041 |
8.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.1 |
18 |
1.5 |
witness confirmed |
0.14 |
31 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
0.96 |
56 |
1.5 |
witness confirmed |
6.4 |
250 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
5.9 |
250 |
1.4 |
ldv-regression/alt_test.c_false-unreach-call.i |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
1.4 |
110 |
1.7 |
witness confirmed |
0.23 |
29 |
1.9 |
witness confirmed |
5.9 |
390 |
2.4 |
witness confirmed |
4.4 |
22 |
2.0 |
unknown |
0.035 |
8.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.1 |
20 |
2.0 |
witness confirmed |
0.17 |
33 |
1.9 |
witness confirmed |
0.88 |
57 |
2.0 |
witness confirmed |
6.5 |
260 |
2.0 |
witness confirmed |
6.4 |
250 |
1.9 |
ldv-regression/callfpointer.c_false-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
0.45 |
61 |
- |
witness confirmed |
0.12 |
23 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
1.6 |
160 |
1.4 |
unknown |
0.055 |
3.0 |
- |
unknown |
0.058 |
8.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.0 |
18 |
1.4 |
true |
0.32 |
27 |
- |
witness confirmed |
0.79 |
50 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
5.2 |
240 |
1.5 |
witness confirmed |
5.6 |
250 |
1.4 |
ldv-regression/fo_test.c_false-unreach-call.i |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
1.4 |
100 |
1.6 |
unknown |
0.22 |
28 |
- |
witness confirmed |
2.4 |
200 |
2.0 |
witness confirmed |
3.1 |
20 |
1.9 |
unknown |
0.033 |
8.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.1 |
20 |
1.8 |
witness confirmed |
0.18 |
32 |
1.8 |
witness confirmed |
0.92 |
48 |
1.8 |
unknown |
5.4 |
240 |
- |
unknown |
5.3 |
240 |
- |
ldv-regression/mutex_lock_int.c_false-unreach-call.i |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
0.93 |
93 |
1.4 |
unknown |
0.088 |
23 |
- |
witness confirmed |
2.4 |
210 |
1.5 |
witness confirmed |
0.096 |
12 |
1.4 |
unknown |
0.049 |
7.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.0 |
18 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
0.17 |
32 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
0.92 |
51 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
5.8 |
250 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
5.8 |
250 |
1.4 |
ldv-regression/mutex_lock_struct.c_false-unreach-call.i |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
0.90 |
93 |
1.3 |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
0.098 |
23 |
1.3 |
witness confirmed |
2.5 |
210 |
1.5 |
witness confirmed |
0.17 |
12 |
1.7 |
unknown |
0.027 |
7.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.0 |
18 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
0.13 |
32 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
0.92 |
55 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
5.9 |
250 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
5.8 |
250 |
1.4 |
ldv-regression/recursive_list.c_false-unreach-call.i |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
150 |
180 |
1.7 |
unknown |
0.20 |
25 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.7 |
180 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
0.13 |
13 |
1.6 |
unknown |
0.030 |
7.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.1 |
18 |
1.5 |
witness confirmed |
0.18 |
32 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
0.97 |
57 |
1.5 |
witness confirmed |
5.8 |
250 |
1.5 |
witness confirmed |
6.3 |
250 |
1.4 |
ldv-regression/rule57_ebda_blast.c_false-unreach-call.i |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
1.1 |
97 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
0.13 |
24 |
1.5 |
witness confirmed |
1.8 |
170 |
1.5 |
witness confirmed |
0.31 |
12 |
1.6 |
unknown |
0.045 |
8.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.0 |
19 |
1.5 |
witness confirmed |
0.20 |
34 |
1.5 |
witness confirmed |
1.0 |
63 |
1.9 |
witness confirmed |
5.7 |
250 |
1.7 |
witness confirmed |
6.3 |
250 |
1.6 |
ldv-regression/rule60_list2.c_false-unreach-call_1.i |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
1.5 |
100 |
1.6 |
witness confirmed |
0.13 |
26 |
1.9 |
witness confirmed |
2.4 |
210 |
2.1 |
witness confirmed |
2.4 |
18 |
2.0 |
unknown |
0.040 |
8.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.1 |
20 |
1.8 |
witness confirmed |
0.22 |
33 |
1.8 |
witness confirmed |
1.1 |
67 |
2.2 |
witness confirmed |
19 |
670 |
1.9 |
witness confirmed |
16 |
670 |
1.9 |
ldv-regression/stateful_check_false-unreach-call.i |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
1.2 |
100 |
1.5 |
witness confirmed |
0.21 |
25 |
1.8 |
witness confirmed |
2.0 |
200 |
1.9 |
witness confirmed |
0.34 |
13 |
1.7 |
unknown |
0.053 |
8.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.0 |
19 |
1.7 |
witness confirmed |
0.23 |
36 |
2.1 |
witness confirmed |
1.5 |
87 |
2.5 |
witness confirmed |
7.0 |
270 |
1.9 |
witness confirmed |
67 |
1200 |
1.8 |
ldv-regression/test_while_int.c_false-unreach-call.i |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
0.93 |
90 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
0.20 |
23 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
1.6 |
170 |
1.4 |
witness unconfirmed |
0.15 |
12 |
1.4 |
unknown |
0.034 |
7.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.0 |
18 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
0.30 |
34 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
0.99 |
56 |
1.5 |
witness confirmed |
6.2 |
250 |
1.5 |
witness confirmed |
5.7 |
250 |
1.5 |
ldv-regression/test_while_int.c_false-unreach-call_1.i |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
0.91 |
92 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
0.20 |
23 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
1.6 |
160 |
1.5 |
witness unconfirmed |
0.094 |
12 |
1.4 |
unknown |
0.034 |
7.0 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.0 |
17 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
0.27 |
34 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
0.93 |
48 |
1.4 |
witness confirmed |
5.7 |
250 |
1.5 |
witness confirmed |
5.5 |
250 |
1.4 |
ldv-regression/alias_of_return.c_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
0.55 |
76 |
- |
true |
0.49 |
23 |
- |
true |
2.1 |
210 |
- |
true |
0.062 |
11 |
- |
unknown |
0.045 |
7.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
17 |
- |
true |
0.16 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
54 |
- |
true |
5.8 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.6 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/alias_of_return.c_true-unreach-call_1.i |
true |
0.55 |
74 |
- |
true |
0.50 |
23 |
- |
true |
2.2 |
200 |
- |
true |
0.063 |
12 |
- |
unknown |
0.032 |
7.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
17 |
- |
true |
0.12 |
25 |
- |
true |
1.2 |
47 |
- |
true |
5.6 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.2 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/alias_of_return_2.c_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
0.63 |
78 |
- |
true |
0.52 |
23 |
- |
true |
2.2 |
200 |
- |
true |
0.070 |
12 |
- |
unknown |
0.034 |
7.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
16 |
- |
true |
0.12 |
22 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
52 |
- |
true |
5.9 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.9 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/alias_of_return_2.c_true-unreach-call_1.i |
true |
0.55 |
76 |
- |
true |
0.52 |
23 |
- |
true |
2.2 |
200 |
- |
true |
0.073 |
12 |
- |
unknown |
0.030 |
7.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
17 |
- |
true |
0.13 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.2 |
47 |
- |
true |
6.9 |
250 |
- |
true |
6.5 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/ex3_forlist.c_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
860 |
1300 |
- |
true |
0.52 |
24 |
- |
true |
1.4 |
140 |
- |
true |
0.074 |
12 |
- |
unknown |
0.027 |
7.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
20 |
- |
unknown |
0.24 |
38 |
- |
true |
1.8 |
78 |
- |
true |
85 |
290 |
- |
true |
48 |
690 |
- |
ldv-regression/just_assert.c_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
0.54 |
74 |
- |
true |
0.58 |
25 |
- |
true |
1.4 |
130 |
- |
true |
0.058 |
11 |
- |
true |
0.044 |
10.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
17 |
- |
true |
0.14 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.2 |
49 |
- |
true |
5.4 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.4 |
240 |
- |
ldv-regression/mutex_lock_int.c_true-unreach-call_1.i |
true |
0.57 |
76 |
- |
true |
0.51 |
23 |
- |
true |
2.1 |
200 |
- |
true |
0.077 |
12 |
- |
unknown |
0.033 |
7.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
18 |
- |
true |
0.31 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.2 |
51 |
- |
true |
6.2 |
250 |
- |
true |
6.0 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/mutex_lock_struct.c_true-unreach-call_1.i |
true |
0.59 |
76 |
- |
true |
0.51 |
23 |
- |
true |
2.2 |
210 |
- |
true |
0.071 |
12 |
- |
unknown |
0.043 |
7.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
18 |
- |
true |
0.13 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
49 |
- |
true |
6.4 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.9 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/nested_structure.c_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
850 |
260 |
- |
true |
0.52 |
23 |
- |
true |
2.2 |
200 |
- |
true |
0.077 |
12 |
- |
true |
0.044 |
10.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
16 |
- |
true |
0.12 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
51 |
- |
true |
6.4 |
270 |
- |
true |
5.8 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/nested_structure_noptr.c_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
0.56 |
76 |
- |
true |
0.52 |
23 |
- |
true |
1.4 |
130 |
- |
true |
0.072 |
12 |
- |
true |
0.058 |
10.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
16 |
- |
true |
0.16 |
24 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
51 |
- |
true |
5.3 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.4 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/nested_structure_noptr_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
0.59 |
74 |
- |
true |
0.54 |
23 |
- |
true |
1.4 |
140 |
- |
true |
0.058 |
12 |
- |
true |
0.092 |
18 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
17 |
- |
true |
0.12 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
51 |
- |
true |
5.3 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.2 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/nested_structure_ptr.c_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
850 |
250 |
- |
true |
0.53 |
23 |
- |
true |
2.2 |
200 |
- |
true |
0.057 |
12 |
- |
true |
0.055 |
10.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
17 |
- |
true |
0.16 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.2 |
47 |
- |
true |
8.5 |
290 |
- |
true |
5.8 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/nested_structure_ptr_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
850 |
250 |
- |
true |
0.52 |
24 |
- |
true |
2.2 |
200 |
- |
true |
0.063 |
12 |
- |
true |
0.046 |
10.0 |
- |
true |
1.1 |
17 |
- |
true |
0.13 |
21 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
51 |
- |
true |
21 |
300 |
- |
true |
8.3 |
270 |
- |
ldv-regression/nested_structure_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
850 |
260 |
- |
true |
0.50 |
23 |
- |
true |
2.2 |
210 |
- |
true |
0.062 |
12 |
- |
true |
0.052 |
10.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
18 |
- |
true |
0.14 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.2 |
51 |
- |
true |
7.1 |
270 |
- |
true |
6.6 |
240 |
- |
ldv-regression/oomInt.c_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
0.53 |
74 |
- |
true |
0.52 |
24 |
- |
true |
1.4 |
140 |
- |
true |
0.074 |
12 |
- |
unknown |
0.026 |
7.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
18 |
- |
true |
0.16 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.2 |
50 |
- |
true |
5.7 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.5 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/oomInt.c_true-unreach-call_1.i |
true |
0.56 |
73 |
- |
true |
0.50 |
23 |
- |
true |
1.4 |
130 |
- |
true |
0.071 |
12 |
- |
unknown |
0.053 |
7.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
18 |
- |
true |
0.32 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
49 |
- |
true |
5.7 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.5 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/rule57_ebda_blast.c_true-unreach-call_1.i |
true |
0.69 |
79 |
- |
true |
0.56 |
24 |
- |
true |
1.4 |
130 |
- |
true |
0.072 |
12 |
- |
unknown |
0.039 |
8.0 |
- |
true |
1.8 |
19 |
- |
true |
0.20 |
30 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
56 |
- |
true |
5.9 |
250 |
- |
true |
6.7 |
270 |
- |
ldv-regression/rule60_list.c_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
0.88 |
85 |
- |
true |
1.2 |
27 |
- |
true |
3.1 |
210 |
- |
true |
0.069 |
17 |
- |
unknown |
0.051 |
8.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
20 |
- |
unknown |
0.19 |
31 |
- |
true |
1.4 |
51 |
- |
true |
7.0 |
270 |
- |
true |
7.3 |
270 |
- |
ldv-regression/rule60_list2.c_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
1.1 |
88 |
- |
true |
0.62 |
26 |
- |
true |
1.6 |
140 |
- |
true |
0.098 |
17 |
- |
unknown |
0.045 |
8.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
20 |
- |
false(reach) |
0.21 |
34 |
- |
true |
1.4 |
57 |
- |
true |
18 |
660 |
- |
true |
13 |
420 |
- |
ldv-regression/sizeofparameters_test.c_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
0.78 |
79 |
- |
true |
0.58 |
25 |
- |
true |
1.5 |
140 |
- |
false(reach) |
1.5 |
17 |
- |
unknown |
0.048 |
8.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
18 |
- |
true |
0.30 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.2 |
53 |
- |
true |
5.5 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.5 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/structure_assignment.c_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
0.76 |
85 |
- |
true |
0.49 |
23 |
- |
true |
2.1 |
200 |
- |
true |
0.067 |
12 |
- |
unknown |
0.052 |
8.0 |
- |
true |
1.1 |
17 |
- |
true |
0.12 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
47 |
- |
true |
5.3 |
240 |
- |
true |
5.6 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/test_address.c_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
0.79 |
77 |
- |
true |
0.60 |
26 |
- |
true |
3.0 |
210 |
- |
true |
0.074 |
17 |
- |
unknown |
0.036 |
8.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
19 |
- |
true |
0.13 |
26 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
49 |
- |
true |
5.8 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.5 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/test_cut_trace.c_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
0.58 |
73 |
- |
true |
0.50 |
23 |
- |
true |
1.4 |
140 |
- |
true |
0.066 |
12 |
- |
true |
0.065 |
10.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
17 |
- |
true |
0.29 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
50 |
- |
true |
5.3 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.5 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/test_malloc-1_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
0.88 |
83 |
- |
true |
1.2 |
27 |
- |
true |
3.1 |
210 |
- |
true |
0.071 |
17 |
- |
true |
0.039 |
8.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
19 |
- |
false(reach) |
0.30 |
32 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
53 |
- |
true |
5.7 |
250 |
- |
true |
6.1 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/test_malloc-2_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
0.80 |
82 |
- |
true |
0.56 |
26 |
- |
true |
3.2 |
210 |
- |
true |
0.059 |
17 |
- |
true |
0.045 |
10.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
18 |
- |
true |
0.64 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
50 |
- |
true |
5.7 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.5 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/test_overflow.c_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
1.1 |
87 |
- |
true |
0.64 |
28 |
- |
true |
1.7 |
150 |
- |
false(reach) |
4.3 |
22 |
- |
unknown |
0.040 |
8.0 |
- |
true |
1.1 |
21 |
- |
true |
0.16 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.2 |
50 |
- |
true |
5.9 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.5 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/test_union.c_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
0.53 |
74 |
- |
true |
0.52 |
23 |
- |
true |
1.7 |
140 |
- |
true |
0.048 |
11 |
- |
unknown |
0.035 |
7.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
17 |
- |
true |
0.17 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.2 |
49 |
- |
true |
5.6 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.6 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/test_union.c_true-unreach-call_1.i |
true |
0.57 |
74 |
- |
true |
0.48 |
23 |
- |
true |
1.4 |
130 |
- |
true |
0.072 |
12 |
- |
unknown |
0.043 |
7.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
18 |
- |
true |
0.29 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
51 |
- |
true |
5.4 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.6 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/test_union_cast-1_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
0.57 |
76 |
- |
true |
0.50 |
24 |
- |
true |
1.4 |
130 |
- |
unknown |
0.031 |
2.0 |
- |
unknown |
0.047 |
7.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
18 |
- |
true |
0.13 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.2 |
56 |
- |
true |
5.5 |
240 |
- |
true |
5.3 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/test_union_cast-2_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
0.56 |
78 |
- |
true |
0.54 |
23 |
- |
true |
2.2 |
210 |
- |
unknown |
0.035 |
2.0 |
- |
unknown |
0.053 |
7.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
17 |
- |
true |
0.14 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
49 |
- |
true |
5.9 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.7 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/test_union_cast.c_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
0.56 |
77 |
- |
true |
0.50 |
23 |
- |
true |
2.2 |
200 |
- |
unknown |
0.026 |
2.0 |
- |
unknown |
0.048 |
7.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
15 |
- |
true |
0.31 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.2 |
50 |
- |
true |
5.5 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.5 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/test_union_cast.c_true-unreach-call_1.i |
true |
0.58 |
76 |
- |
true |
0.50 |
23 |
- |
true |
1.4 |
130 |
- |
unknown |
0.029 |
2.0 |
- |
unknown |
0.032 |
7.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
17 |
- |
true |
0.28 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.2 |
49 |
- |
true |
5.4 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.6 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/volatile_alias.c_true-unreach-call.i |
true |
0.54 |
74 |
- |
true |
0.51 |
23 |
- |
true |
2.1 |
210 |
- |
true |
0.057 |
11 |
- |
true |
0.054 |
10.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
17 |
- |
true |
0.12 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.2 |
49 |
- |
true |
6.1 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.4 |
250 |
- |
ldv-regression/volatile_alias.c_true-unreach-call_1.i |
true |
0.56 |
74 |
- |
true |
0.48 |
23 |
- |
true |
2.1 |
210 |
- |
true |
0.059 |
11 |
- |
true |
0.051 |
10.0 |
- |
true |
1.0 |
18 |
- |
true |
0.14 |
27 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
49 |
- |
true |
6.0 |
250 |
- |
true |
5.8 |
250 |
- |
ddv-machzwd/ddv_machzwd_all_false-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
1.8 |
130 |
- |
true |
32 |
490 |
- |
witness confirmed |
10 |
500 |
5.2 |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
210 |
1300 |
2.9 |
unknown |
0.12 |
16 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.0 |
47 |
3.7 |
true |
0.35 |
28 |
- |
witness confirmed |
27 |
1100 |
3.8 |
unknown |
5.5 |
240 |
- |
unknown |
5.6 |
240 |
- |
ddv-machzwd/ddv_machzwd_inw_false-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
1.8 |
130 |
- |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
27 |
490 |
3.0 |
witness confirmed |
8.8 |
500 |
4.6 |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
160 |
1200 |
3.1 |
unknown |
0.12 |
15 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.0 |
45 |
3.7 |
true |
0.37 |
28 |
- |
witness confirmed |
16 |
780 |
3.8 |
unknown |
5.4 |
240 |
- |
unknown |
5.3 |
240 |
- |
ddv-machzwd/ddv_machzwd_outb_false-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
1.8 |
130 |
- |
true |
31 |
500 |
- |
witness confirmed |
9.6 |
500 |
4.5 |
witness invalid (error (invalid c code)) |
210 |
1200 |
2.9 |
unknown |
0.12 |
15 |
- |
witness confirmed |
1.0 |
44 |
3.5 |
true |
0.36 |
28 |
- |
witness confirmed |
21 |
930 |
3.6 |
unknown |
5.4 |
240 |
- |
unknown |
5.6 |
240 |
- |
ddv-machzwd/ddv_machzwd_inb_p_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
1.7 |
130 |
- |
true |
850 |
350 |
- |
true |
63 |
260 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
160 |
- |
unknown |
0.12 |
16 |
- |
unknown |
4.7 |
47 |
- |
true |
0.37 |
28 |
- |
true |
31 |
890 |
- |
unknown |
5.4 |
240 |
- |
unknown |
5.7 |
240 |
- |
ddv-machzwd/ddv_machzwd_inb_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
1.8 |
130 |
- |
true |
850 |
350 |
- |
true |
63 |
260 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
160 |
- |
unknown |
0.12 |
15 |
- |
unknown |
4.5 |
46 |
- |
true |
0.37 |
28 |
- |
true |
31 |
880 |
- |
unknown |
5.6 |
240 |
- |
unknown |
5.3 |
240 |
- |
ddv-machzwd/ddv_machzwd_inl_p_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
1.8 |
120 |
- |
true |
850 |
350 |
- |
true |
63 |
270 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
160 |
- |
unknown |
0.11 |
15 |
- |
unknown |
4.3 |
47 |
- |
true |
0.37 |
28 |
- |
true |
31 |
880 |
- |
unknown |
5.4 |
240 |
- |
unknown |
5.3 |
240 |
- |
ddv-machzwd/ddv_machzwd_inl_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
1.8 |
130 |
- |
true |
850 |
350 |
- |
true |
63 |
260 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
160 |
- |
unknown |
0.098 |
15 |
- |
unknown |
4.5 |
47 |
- |
true |
0.35 |
28 |
- |
true |
31 |
880 |
- |
unknown |
5.2 |
240 |
- |
unknown |
5.6 |
240 |
- |
ddv-machzwd/ddv_machzwd_inw_p_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
1.8 |
130 |
- |
true |
850 |
350 |
- |
true |
63 |
260 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
160 |
- |
unknown |
0.11 |
15 |
- |
unknown |
4.5 |
48 |
- |
true |
0.35 |
28 |
- |
true |
31 |
880 |
- |
unknown |
5.4 |
240 |
- |
unknown |
5.3 |
240 |
- |
ddv-machzwd/ddv_machzwd_outb_p_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
1.8 |
130 |
- |
true |
850 |
350 |
- |
true |
63 |
260 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
160 |
- |
unknown |
0.13 |
15 |
- |
unknown |
4.5 |
47 |
- |
true |
0.34 |
28 |
- |
true |
31 |
880 |
- |
unknown |
5.5 |
240 |
- |
unknown |
5.3 |
240 |
- |
ddv-machzwd/ddv_machzwd_outl_p_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
1.8 |
130 |
- |
true |
850 |
350 |
- |
true |
63 |
260 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
160 |
- |
unknown |
0.11 |
15 |
- |
unknown |
4.4 |
49 |
- |
true |
0.37 |
28 |
- |
true |
31 |
890 |
- |
unknown |
5.2 |
240 |
- |
unknown |
5.7 |
240 |
- |
ddv-machzwd/ddv_machzwd_outl_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
1.8 |
130 |
- |
true |
850 |
350 |
- |
true |
63 |
260 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
160 |
- |
unknown |
0.12 |
15 |
- |
unknown |
4.5 |
45 |
- |
true |
0.35 |
28 |
- |
true |
31 |
880 |
- |
unknown |
5.7 |
240 |
- |
unknown |
5.3 |
240 |
- |
ddv-machzwd/ddv_machzwd_outw_p_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
1.8 |
130 |
- |
true |
850 |
350 |
- |
true |
63 |
260 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
160 |
- |
unknown |
0.12 |
15 |
- |
unknown |
4.4 |
46 |
- |
true |
0.35 |
28 |
- |
true |
31 |
890 |
- |
unknown |
5.4 |
240 |
- |
unknown |
5.6 |
240 |
- |
ddv-machzwd/ddv_machzwd_pthread_mutex_unlock_true-unreach-call.i |
unknown |
1.8 |
130 |
- |
true |
850 |
350 |
- |
true |
63 |
260 |
- |
true |
1.3 |
160 |
- |
unknown |
0.10 |
15 |
- |
unknown |
4.5 |
47 |
- |
true |
0.48 |
28 |
- |
true |
31 |
890 |
- |
unknown |
5.2 |
240 |
- |
unknown |
6.7 |
240 |
- |