TACAS 2012 | |
Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP) |
In every table cell for competition results, we list the points in the first row and the CPU time for successful runs in the second row. The background color is gold for the winner, silver for the second, and bronze for the third.
The entry '--' means that the competition candidate opted-out or obtained a total of less than 0 points in the category.
Competition candidate | BLAST 2.7 | CPAchecker-ABE 1.0.10 | CPAchecker-Memo 1.0.10 | ESBMC 1.17 | FShell 1.3 | LLBMC 0.9 | Predator 2011-10-11 | QARMC-HSF | SATabs 3.0 | Wolverine 0.5c |
Representing Jury Member | Vadim Mutilin | Philipp Wendler | Daniel Wonisch | Bernd Fischer | Helmut Veith | Carsten Sinz | Tomas Vojnar | Andrey Rybalchenko | Michael Tautschnig | Georg Weissenbacher |
Affiliation | Moscow, Russia | Passau, Germany | Paderborn, Germany | Southampton, UK | Vienna, Austria | Karlsruhe, Germany | Brno, Czechia | Munich, Germany | Oxford, UK | Princeton, USA |
ControlFlowInteger 93 files, max score: 144 |
71 9900 s | 141 1000 s | 140 3200 s | 102 4500 s | 28 580 s | 100 2400 s | 17 1100 s | 140 4800 s | 75 5400 s | 39 580 s |
DeviceDrivers 59 files, max score: 103 |
72 30 s | 51 97 s | 51 93 s | 63 160 s | 20 3.5 s | 80 1.6 s | 80 1.9 s | -- | 71 140 s | 68 65 s |
DeviceDrivers64 41 files, max score: 66 |
55 1400 s | 26 1900 s | 49 500 s | 10 870 s | 0 0 s | 1 110 s | 0 0 s | -- | 32 3200 s | 16 1300 s |
HeapManipulation 14 files, max score: 24 |
-- | 4 16 s | 4 16 s | 1 220 s | -- | 17 210 s | 20 1.0 s | -- | -- | -- |
SystemC 62 files, max score: 87 |
33 4000 s | 45 1100 s | 36 450 s | 67 760 s | -- | 8 2.4 s | 21 630 s | 8 820 s | 57 5000 s | 36 1900 s |
Concurrency 8 files, max score: 11 |
-- | 0 0 s | 0 0 s | 6 270 s | 0 0 s | -- | 0 0 s | -- | 1 1.4 s | -- |
Overall 277 files, max score: 435 |
231 15000 s | 267 4100 s | 280 4300 s | 249 6800 s | 48 580 s | 206 2700 s | 138 1700 s | 148 5600 s | 236 14000 s | 159 3800 s |
ControlFlowInteger1. CPAchecker-ABE 1.0.102. CPAchecker-Memo 1.0.10 3. QARMC-HSF 4. ESBMC 1.17 5. LLBMC 0.9 |
DeviceDrivers1. LLBMC 0.92. Predator 3. BLAST 2.7 4. SATabs 3.0 5. Wolverine 0.5c |
DeviceDrivers641. BLAST 2.72. CPAchecker-Memo 1.0.10 3. SATabs 3.0 4. CPAchecker-ABE 1.0.10 5. Wolverine 0.5c |
HeapManipulation1. Predator2. LLBMC 0.9 3. CPAchecker-ABE 1.0.10 3. CPAchecker-Memo 1.0.10 5. ESBMC 1.17 |
SystemC1. ESBMC 1.172. SATabs 3.0 3. CPAchecker-ABE 1.0.10 4. CPAchecker-Memo 1.0.10 5. Wolverine 0.5c |
Concurrency1. ESBMC 1.172. SATabs 3.0 3. -- 4. -- 5. -- |
Overall1. CPAchecker-Memo 1.0.102. CPAchecker-ABE 1.0.10 3. ESBMC 1.17 4. SATabs 3.0 5. BLAST 2.7 |
CPAchecker-ABE 1.0.10
CPAchecker-Memo 1.0.10
ESBMC 1.17
SATabs 3.0