Verification Witnesses
— Error-Witness Automata —

Format Description


An error-witness automaton is represented by a graph in XML format, more specifically, GraphML. (This primer gives a good introduction.)

The idea is that an error-witness automaton guides the verifier for a finite number of steps through the program along an error path in order to find the violation of the safety property.

Note that the error-witness automaton does not need to be concrete, i.e., it might represent several possible paths. In particular, the error-path graph might represent several infeasible error paths and a feasible error paths. Ideally, the error path is very short and contains concrete values (test case).

Data Elements

In order to represent the error-witness automaton in GraphMl, the edges and nodes of the graph are enriched with (XML) data elements of different types. The key attribute of a data element defines its type, the child elements of the element (usually a single XML text node) represent its value.

Node Data for Automata States

key Meaning

Valid values: false (default) or true

This node represents the initial state of the automata (entry node of the graph). Only one initial state (entry node) is allowed.

Valid values: false (default) or true.

This node is a sink. All paths that lead to this node end here and should not be further explored by the witness checker. Nodes where this flag is set must not have any leaving edges.

Valid values: false (default) or true.

The witness claims that paths that reach this state violate the specification. A witness is only accepted if the witness checker detects a specification violation and the witness automaton is in a state where this flag is set.

Edge Data for Automata Transitions

key Meaning

Valid values: Sequence of C expression statements; each of the expression must evaluate to the type int (used as boolean).

One or more assignment statements representing assumptions about the current state. Local variables that have the same name as global variables or local variables of other functions can be qualified by using the assumption.scope tag.

Valid values: Function name

The witness checker must map the variables in the given assumptions to the variables in the C code. Due to scopes in C, there may be name conflicts. The witness checker will first look for a variable with a matching name in the scope of the provided function name before checking the global scope. This tag applies to the assumption as a whole. It is not possible to specify assumptions about local variables of different functions. There is currently no support for different variables with the same name within different scopes of the same function.

Valid values: condition-true or condition-false.

A branching in source code is always labeled with a condition, thus there are two branches: one that is taken if the condition evaluates to true, the other if it evaluates to false; this is represented by the values condition-true, respectively, condition-false. An automaton transition is allowed if the current control-flow edge is a control-statement, e.g. if (...), and the value matches the case of the control-flow edge.

Valid values: Valid line number of the program

Each statement, or expression, on a control-flow edge was derived from a line (or multiple lines - see endline) in the source code. The startline corresponds to the line number on that a statement, or expression, of a control-flow edge started.

Valid values: Valid line number of the program

A statement, or expression, can be written across multiple lines. The value of endline represents the line number on that the statement, or expression, of a matching control-flow edge ends.

Valid values: Offset of a specific character in the program.

Matches the character offset on that the expression/statement of the control-flow edge starts. It is important that witness checker and witness producer agree on the encoding of the C program.

Valid values: Offset of a specific character in the program.

Matches the character offset on that the expression/statement of the control-flow edge ends. It is important that witness checker and witness producer agree on the encoding of the C program.

Valid values: Function name

The name of the function that is entered via this edge. Assuming a function stack, this pushes the function onto the stack. If you use this data node type, you also must use the type returnFrom. When assumption.scope is not given, the witness checker may use this information to qualify assumption variable names. The path is considered to stay in the specified function until another edge is annotated with this data node for another function or an edge annotated with returnFrom, telling the checker that the path continues in the previous function on the stack.

Valid values: Function name

The name of the function is exited via this edge. Assuming a function stack, this name must match the name of the function popped from the function stack. If you use this data node type, you also must use the type enterFunction. See enterFunction for more information.

Due to the issues many tools encountered with the token-normalized format, token numbers are no longer required. Instead, line numbers and, optionally, character offsets are used.

Tools may introduce their own data nodes with custom keys and values. Other tools should ignore data nodes they do not know or are unable to handle.

Supplementary Information

Checking witnesses

Witnesses can be checked by CPAchecker or UltimateAutomizer. To check a witness, you need to provide the specification the witness was produced with and the witness itself as an additional specification to the tool, as well as any other parameter required by the tool to check the specific type of program, if any.

In the following, we present the witness-validation service followed by listing examples of available witness checkers (in alphabetic order).

Validating a Witness using a Witness-Validation Service

The witness-validation service is designed to be as simple to use as possible. Therefore you will not not need to manually select the specification, machine model, and architecture the witness was produced for, but may instead include it within the witness file itself. See the XML data tags with the keys specification, memorymodel, and architecture in the linked witness as an example. Accpeted values for the memory model are simple and precise (default). Accepted values for the architecture are 32bit (default) and 64bit. If you would rather keep the original specification separate, you can still use the witness validators manually as described further down.

Submit the witness validation job here:

Once the job finishes, a page like the following will appear:

This page provides data like the CPU time, also the log file, a zip file with all output files, and a link to an error-path report that makes it easy to inspect and understand error paths.

This service can also be used via the command line:

scripts/ --program source.i --witness witness.graphml

using the provided python script.

Validating a Witness with CPAchecker

The following command will start CPAchecker to validate an error witness for test.c. We assume that the error witnesses is stored in the file witness-to-validate.graphml.

An easy way to validate witnesses with CPAchecker that should be able to handle most scenarios is provided by a predifined configuration:

./scripts/ -witness-validation \
    -spec witness-to-validate.graphml \
    -spec PropertyERROR.prp \

There may be cases where you want to use different analyses. It is therefore possible to derive a custom configuration. The following example shows how to configure CPAchecker to use linear arithmetic predicate analysis to consume a witness:

./scripts/ -noout -heap 10000M -predicateAnalysis \
    -setprop cfa.useMultiEdges=false \
    -setprop cfa.simplifyCfa=false \
    -setprop cfa.allowBranchSwapping=false \
    -setprop cpa.predicate.ignoreIrrelevantVariables=false \
    -setprop counterexample.export.assumptions.assumeLinearArithmetics=true \
    -setprop analysis.traversal.byAutomatonVariable=__DISTANCE_TO_VIOLATION \
    -setprop cpa.automaton.treatErrorsAsTargets=false \
    -setprop \
    -setprop parser.transformTokensToLines=false \
    -skipRecursion \
    -spec witness-to-validate.graphml \
    -spec PropertyERROR.prp \

For tasks where a 64 bit linux machine model is assumed, you also need to add the parameter -64 to the command line. For tasks where the simple memory model is assumed, you also need to add the option -setprop cpa.predicate.handlePointerAliasing=false.

The output of the command should look similar to the following:

Using the following resource limits: CPU-time limit of 900s (ResourceLimitChecker.fromConfiguration, INFO)

CPAchecker 1.4-svn (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.7.0_79) started (, INFO)

Using predicate analysis with MathSAT5 version 5.3.7 (073c3b224db1)
  (Jul  7 2015 15:45:01, gmp 5.0.2, gcc 4.6.3, 64-bit) and JFactory 1.21.
  (PredicateCPA:PredicateCPA., INFO)

Using refinement for predicate analysis with PredicateAbstractionRefinementStrategy strategy.
  (PredicateCPA:PredicateCPARefiner., INFO)


Starting analysis ... (CPAchecker.runAlgorithm, INFO)


Automaton going to ErrorState on edge "__VERIFIER_error();"
  (WitnessAutomaton:AutomatonTransferRelation.getFollowStates, INFO)


Stopping analysis ... (CPAchecker.runAlgorithm, INFO)

Verification result: FALSE. Property violation (__VERIFIER_error();
  called in line 751,__VERIFIER_error(); called in line 751) found by chosen configuration.
More details about the verification run can be found in the directory "./output".

The verification result "FALSE" means that the error-witness was successfully validated, i.e., one of the paths that is described by the witness automaton leads to a violation of the specification. The result "TRUE" would mean that none of the paths described by the witness automaton lead to a violation of the specification, or in other words, that the witness was rejected. A witness is also rejected if the witness validation does not terminate normally.

Please contact if you have further questions about checking witnesses with CPAchecker.

Writing a Witness with CPAchecker

CPAchecker can be obtained from the CPAchecker website. Do not use release 1.3.4 or older. As long as no newer release is available, please use the latest trunk. It may be unstable at times, but contains the latest bug fixes for witness checking and a lot has changed since release 1.3.4.

In the following example, we assume that the current directory is the CPAchecker directory, PropertyERROR.prp is the specification that was used to produce the witness, witness.graphml is the witness file and test.c is the verification task. The following command shows how to use CPAchecker to verify the task and produce a witness:

scripts/ -noout -heap 10000M -predicateAnalysis \
    -setprop cfa.useMultiEdges=false \
    -setprop cpa.predicate.solver=MATHSAT5 \
    -setprop cfa.simplifyCfa=false \
    -setprop cfa.allowBranchSwapping=false \
    -setprop cpa.predicate.ignoreIrrelevantVariables=false \
    -setprop counterexample.export.assumptions.assumeLinearArithmetics=true \
    -setprop coverage.enabled=false \
    -setprop coverage.mode=TRANSFER \
    -setprop coverage.export=true \
    -setprop \
    -setprop parser.transformTokensToLines=false \
    -setprop counterexample.export.assumptions.includeConstantsForPointers=false \
    -setprop cpa.arg.errorPath.graphml=witness.graphml \
    -spec PropertyERROR.prp \

For tasks where a 64 bit linux machine model is assumed, you also need to add the parameter -64 to the command line. For tasks where the simple memory model is assumed, you also need to add the option -setprop cpa.predicate.handlePointerAliasing=false.

The output of the command should look similar to the following:

Running CPAchecker with Java heap of size 10000M.
Using the following resource limits: CPU-time limit of 900s (ResourceLimitChecker.fromConfiguration, INFO)

CPAchecker 1.4-svn (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.7.0_79) started (, INFO)

Using predicate analysis with MathSAT5 version 5.3.7 (073c3b224db1)
  (Jul  7 2015 15:45:01, gmp 5.0.2, gcc 4.6.3, 64-bit) and JFactory 1.21.
  (PredicateCPA:PredicateCPA., INFO)

Using refinement for predicate analysis with PredicateAbstractionRefinementStrategy strategy.
  (PredicateCPA:PredicateCPARefiner., INFO)


Starting analysis ... (CPAchecker.runAlgorithm, INFO)

Stopping analysis ... (CPAchecker.runAlgorithm, INFO)

Verification result: FALSE. Property violation (__VERIFIER_error(); called in line 751)
  found by chosen configuration.
More details about the verification run can be found in the directory "./output".

The error-witness automaton is written to output/witness.graphml. If the verification is applied to the task ssh-simplified/s3_clnt_1_false-unreach-call.cil.c from the SV-COMP benchmark set, the witness should look similar to this witness. Note that this task assumes the simple memory model.

Validating a Witness with Ultimate Automizer

The following command will start Ultimate Automizer to validate an error witness for test.c. We assume that the error witnesses is stored in the file witness-to-validate.graphml.

cd $BASE/UltimateAutomizer
python3 \
    PropertyERROR.prp \
    test.c \
    32bit precise \

For tasks where a 64 bit linux machine model is assumed, you also need to use the parameter 64bit instead of 32bit. For tasks where the simple memory model is assumed, you also need to replace the option precise by simple.

The output of the command should look similar to the following:

Calling Ultimate Automizer with: ./Ultimate ./Automizer.xml
   --settings ./svComp-32bit-precise-Automizer.epf
Execution finished normally
Writing output log to file Ultimate.log
Writing human readable error path to file UltimateCounterExample.errorpath

The verification result "FALSE" means that the error-witness was successfully validated, i.e., one of the paths that is described by the witness automaton leads to a violation of the specification. The result "TRUE" would mean that none of the paths described by the witness automaton lead to a violation of the specification, in other words, the witness was rejected. A witness is also rejected if the witness validation does not terminate normally.

Writing a Witness with UltimateAutomizer

From the UltimateAutomizer directory, the following command will start UltimateAutomizer to verify a task for which it will come up with a feasible counterexample:

python3 \
    PropertyERROR.prp \
    test.c \
    32bit precise

For tasks where a 64 bit linux machine model is assumed, you also need to use the parameter 64bit instead of 32bit. For tasks where the simple memory model is assumed, you also need to replace the option precise by simple.

The output of the command should look similar to the following:

Checking for ERROR reachability
Rev 14553
Calling Ultimate with: ./Ultimate ./Automizer.xml
  --settings ./svComp-32bit-precise-Automizer.epf
Execution finished normally
Writing output log to file Ultimate.log
Writing human readable error path to file UltimateCounterExample.errorpath

The error-witness automaton is written to witness.graphml. If the verification is applied to the task ssh-simplified/s3_clnt_1_false-unreach-call.cil.c from the SV-COMP benchmark set, the witness should look similar to this witness. Again, note that this task assumes the simple memory model.

Please contact Daniel Dietsch or Matthias Heizmann if you have further questions about checking witnesses with Ultimate Automizer.